Fiat Lux - The Lion Tamer

lion tamer.jpg
lion tamer.jpg

Fiat Lux - The Lion Tamer


10 x 8.5 inches 3-color + gold foil on white 100% cotton paper limited edition screen print.

Signed & numbered.

Marked on the back with a ‘Handprinted in Toronto by Kid Icarus’ stamp as a mark certifying the authenticity of the screen printing process.

Ships flat in rigid mailer via Canada Post. Price includes shipping.

15% of the sale of each print is gifted to The Canadian Association for Prenatal Education, a local registered charity.

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This print is part of a series called Family Constellations, featuring members of my extended family depicted according to the visual conventions of the Russian orthodox icon. The Lion Tamer is a portrait of my mother Natacha, whose astrological rising sign was Leo. She was a visionary, a poet, a free thinker, a visual artist and a shining light. She also loved to wear golden slippers.

Peau de Lion

“Sans plus d’en-jeu le lion a bon dos
où voilà l’ange en son échine
qui fait deux meurt,
prête sa plume pour jouer
aux je des desseins

Peau de lion
pot dorée
invite toi dans nos milles foyers
que nos ailes déployées fassent rugir la bonne heure
de faire vivre

GraOr !”

— Lorne Auber